Why photographs are essential

It has been almost 7 weeks since we’ve been staying at home here in Texas.   It’s crazy how it feels like shorter than that, and longer than that, all at the same time.    At some point the days and the weeks have just become one big blur.   

Life has become all about what’s essential and what’s not.   Healthcare workers, grocery stores, truckers, farmers, ranchers, hospital custodians, and so many others – have kept our country together and had an enormous burden placed on them for the past few months, and I hope that we’ll all forever be grateful to them.    

Long before Covid-19, I’ve struggled a little bit with my decision to step back from the healthcare field and focus more on photography.    It’s easy to feel your purpose and influence after working a 12 hour shift literally helping to save people’s lives.    But spending an hour at a beautiful outdoor location taking people’s pictures and then spending lots of time behind a computer editing those pictures? – as much as I absolutely love it – sometimes it does feel very “nonessential”.    

But, I don’t think God created us to live essential-only lives.   He created the most beautiful places for us to enjoy and explore, gives us stunning sunsets, created people with so many different artistic talents, and filled our world with amazing animals and flowers and colors.    And more importantly, He puts people into our lives who make it worth living.   And those relationships are what truly matter the most.

Even today, in the age of digital technology – if you ask anyone what they would grab if their house was on fire – they’re most likely to say photo albums and pictures.   (Okay, so some might say their phone, but let’s be honest… that’s probably already in their pocket… so I still think they’d all be grabbing for those photo albums.)

Because those memories are priceless.   And they’re not replaceable.   And sometimes it’s all we have left after someone is gone.   And as we’ve all been reminded in the most sobering of ways recently – life is short and it isn’t guaranteed for any of us.   

So photographs matter.   Photography matters.   Documenting our lives and our relationships and our emotions matters.


Just a few days ago, my kids found an old photo album of me when I was a kid.   We had so much fun looking through those pictures.    It’s funny to see that Halloween costumes weren’t always as glamorous as this…




They actually used to look like this…

(Yep, that’s me… the Pink Panther.)



I also ran across this picture of my mom holding me when I was little, and it made me smile…


And now I have this one of me holding my two babies… this will always be one of my absolute favorite pictures.   Because it takes me right back to that moment.   Exhausted and tired from having two newborn babies… but soooo full of joy.    And even when they were napping (and I probably should have been napping too) – all I wanted to do was just hold them.    I hope that when they’re older and they see this picture, that they’ll know how much they are loved.



And even though those quick iPhone pics are great… the ones that I love, and that we have hanging all over our house… are the ones that I hired another professional photographer to take.   Because there’s something about the sharpness and the color and artistic eye that makes those so special!

I love capturing those moments for other families too, and knowing that the pictures I took are hanging in other people’s homes is a huge joy for me!


All of my sessions are a little different, because each family is different and each story is different…


The mama of this family lost her husband several years before this… and her sweet children gifted her with a photo session of all of them together – how special to have her surrounded by her children and grandchildren!



Sometimes I’m photographing high school seniors before they head off to college.    I love getting to make them feel pampered and beautiful and confident in themselves before they leave home.    I know having that milestone moment frozen in time is so important to them… and their parents too!



Sometimes, it’s capturing the young and exciting love of a couple right before they get married…



And I know that these two boys will LOVE having this picture of them with their grandpa as they grow up!



And now… under the new orders in Texas, photographers are allowed to get back out there!   I’m SO excited!    I have truly missed seeing my old clients and getting to know new ones.   


I absolutely believe that we all need to continue to do the best we can with social distancing, and being extremely careful as we move forward.    Sessions will look a little different for awhile – but I know that we can still get beautiful images of your family, even while maintaining social distancing and safety precautions!     When you’re ready, we’ll work together to create a session that is fun and safe!


If we’ve learned anything in the past couple months, it’s DON’T WAIT.    Don’t wait to tell someone you love them.   Don’t wait to tell someone thank you.   Don’t wait to chase your dreams.   And don’t wait to capture photographs of your own family – because the moments go by so fast!



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